
Below is a list of items always in need at The Wilson House.

  1. Lawn Equipment
  2. Toilet Tissue
  3. Paper towels
  4. Bleach
  5. Detergent
  6. Body Wash
  7. Shampoo
  8. Toothpaste
  9. Razors
  10. Shaving Cream
  11. Blankets/Sheets/Pillows for twin beds

Getting Your Items To Us…

We respect your time and effort, and we respect the privacy of our program participants!

To arrange a drop-off or schedule a pickup, please email us at info@wilsonhouserecovery.org

Thank you!

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    2nd Wilson House Classic

    When: Friday March 10, 2023
    Where: Eaglebrooke, Lakeland FL

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